Debt Trap? While the US Is Reviled in Latin America, China Is Well-Liked in Africa

China is well-liked in the developing world that it is supposedly exploiting with "debt traps", certainly quite a bit more so than the US

Washington says one thing, data tells another

Unable or unwilling to pour economic investment of its own into Africa the US is instead trying to convince the world and the continent that the Chinese have nefarious motives and are trying to spring a “debt trap” on the Africans.

However there is no sign that Africans agree with this assesment. African governments continue to line up for China-financed joint infrastructure projects and according to America’s own Gallup have a higly positive view of China’s role in world affairs (37 point net approval):

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Meanwhile in Latin America, which has actually been a playground for US neo-colonialism for over 100 years now Washington is highly unpopular (22 point net disapproval):

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Indeed while Africans like the US in addition to China, in Latin America, China is the more popular of the two. (Net 3 point disapproval.)

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Washington will advance the narratives that advance its claim to legitimate world hegemony but the data tells a different story. China is well-liked in the developing world that it is supposedly exploiting with “debt traps”, certainly quite a bit more so than the US.

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