Russia Has Stopped Accepting Dollars for Its Weapons Exports

Buyers now have to get rubles

Russia has stopped using SWIFT and US dollars in weapon export contracts, Head of Russian Defence Export firm (Rosoboronexport) Aleksandr Mikheev told journalists during Army-2019 forum.

He said that Rosoboronexport is now using national currencies instead of US dollars and emplyos a “closed system” of payments.

According to Mikheev, in 2019, Russia delivered $6bn worth weapons and equipment and signed $7bn worth contracts. It’s expected that a total of around $13bn contracts will be signed in 2019.

Source: South Front

  1. bobaka says

    I have been waiting for the dollar to be dropped by countries U.S. fascists usually bully. The dollar price of gold is going up steadily which means deep trouble for common people since their wages are extremely low in the U.S. Of course, the U.S. fascists want their under population dead, so a deep depression only furthers their quest. Dead commoners don’t argue with the aristocrats about their social pain.

  2. cap960 says

    Great…Peace will come when the dollar is gone.

    1. Louis says

      Great slogan!

      Peace will come

      when the dollar’s gone

  3. JustPassingThrough says

    more and irrelevant the $$ is it seems-
    …and Swift is stiffed one more time.

  4. John C Carleton says

    While stopping excepting Dollars for Death is a good move economically, the Not Federal, No Reserves and not a bank fiat counterfeit currency being almost completely worthless on it’s way to dying with a whimper, stopping exporting death for any currency would be a much better option.

  5. thomas malthaus says

    Purchase in rubles, barter or Russian Treasuries. A familiar ring except sovereign Russia has a more impressive balance sheet among other items.

  6. BillA says

    good move, now apply to all exports

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